Bonnie Oropallo Obituary

This final story about Bonnie is the obituary for Bonnie (deSousa) Oropallo, 12, a three and one half year canine resident of Peterborough NH that died on Tuesday, September 3rd, 2019.
Bonnie (deSousa) Oropallo was a twelve and one half year old miniature poodle (malti-poo) born on April 21st, 2007 in the Zephyrhills, Florida area that passed unexpectedly in the comfort of Charles and Susan Oropallo’s arms at the Animal Hospital Monadnock in Peterborough due to heart failure.
Arlene deSousa fell in love with her as a puppy. She brought Bonnie home where she and her husband, Mario deSousa, raised Bonnie in their home in Land O’ Lakes, Florida. Mario passed in 2012. Arlene ultimately moved to an assisted living community in Tampa, Florida area, taking Bonnie along with her.
Arlene became ill in April 2016 and was temporarily moved from her assisted living facility to a nursing home in Tampa, Florida to convalesce. Bonnie at that time was being cared for by a friend of Arlene’s in the area. Bonnie was supposed to have had a short stay with Arlene’s friend while Arlene convalesced in order to return to the assisted living a facility.
While he was visiting her, Arlene asked her son, Charles Oropallo, if he would mind just temporarily bringing Bonnie, who just turned 9 years old, to visit with him and his wife, Susan Oropallo, until she could get back to her assisted living residence. Charles and Susan agreed they’d care for Bonnie long enough for Charles’s mom to return home. Bonnie traveled up the coast to Peterborough, New Hampshire, where she would stay with them.
Unfortunately, Charles’s mom, Arlene deSousa, unexpectedly passed a little over a week from that time. Her obituary can be seen here on the Arlene.WS web site.
Susan and Charles had become extremely attached to Bonnie by that time. So Bonnie officially became adopted by Charles Oropallo and Susan Oropallo. They referred to her as Bonnie Oropallo.
Charles and Susan could not imagine their household without Bonnie in it.
Bonnie loved going to places like Belletete’s and Home Depot – where staff always fussed over her and gave her treats. Same with her trips into People’s Bank and the GFA Federal Credit Union where she was always welcomed. She loved going to the Alltown gas station where Charles would always take her for a walk around the grounds.
Bonnie liked going for walks with Charles and Susan in the park adjacent to the Peterborough Post Office. Another spot Bonnie seemed to really enjoy was going for a ride to the Howard Memorial Park on route 202 near Jaffrey NH and walking around there with Charles and Susan.
Another favorite ride was to the Veteran’s Administration Hospital in Manchester with Charles. Bonnie was a hit with the vets and staff she came into contact with there. She loved to walk along the Veteran’s Administration grounds with Charles.
Charles took Bonnie just about everywhere with him. And Bonnie loved sniffing everywhere!
Bonnie enjoyed catching up with Barney, the Chihuahua that lived next door. If Charles or Susan asked Bonnie if she wanted to see if Barney was outside she would look out the front window towards Barney’s house next door to see if she could see him. Barney was one of the few dogs in Bonnie’s life that she was slightly larger than. She always looked for Gerry walking him when she went for walks.
Walks in any grassy areas were always fun for her. She enjoyed practicing her hunting skills – mostly in the back yard – by catching and eating grasshoppers.
Bonnie liked to initiate play. Even up to her last day, she would grab a toy and bring it to Charles or Susan and growl and dare them to take it from her. Bonnie had a few games she played that she appeared to make up. It was Charles and Susan’s task to figure out the rules for those games. Bonnie was a lot of fun. She was very affectionate and just relaxing and great to be around.
Bonnie had some folks who she seemed especially excited to see. Robin Snow and Bruce Carlton were special to her. She saw Robin when Robin came to work each day. Bonnie stayed at Robin and Bruce’s home many times when Charles and Susan went away. Pat Tetreault and Keum Joo Green were special to her as well. Bonnie had been part of camping trips with them. She also was fond of Neil Jeneral and Ingrid Allen. Neil had given Bonnie some ice cream once and there seemed to be a special bond there. Evan Cole was another special person in Bonnie’s life – he stayed with her at Charles and Susan’s home when they were away. And she loved visiting Matt Burke at his office. Bonnie had stayed with Matt and his wife Melissa in the past.
Bonnie seemed to be in great health until recent issues with what was apparently a worsening heart valve problem. On Thursday August 29, 2019 she suffered a serious heart problem. Bonnie spent most of that day at the Animal Care Clinic in Peterborough, New Hampshire under Dr. Chuck Devinne and his wonderful staff’s care. Dr. Devinne indicated that day that we couldn’t tell how much time Bonnie had left.
Charles and Susan brought Bonnie home that afternoon and she seemed to rally. Not knowing how long they’d have with her, Charles and Susan spent the following days pampering Bonnie as much as possible.
On the following Tuesday afternoon, September 3rd, 2019, Bonnie suddenly appeared to become extremely weak. Charles and Susan rushed Bonnie to the Animal Care Clinic again. At about 2:20 PM, Bonnie passed. She was in Charles and Susan’s arms as they were assuring her over and over what a good little girl she was and that it was okay for her to sleep now.
Bonnie was a fantastic little poodle. She had never even had an accident in the house in the three and a half years she was with Charles and Susan in Peterborough. Their home is so much emptier without her. Bonnie will always be missed very, very much.
Cheshire Funeral Chapel and Crematories were kind enough to help with Bonnie’s cremation process for Charles and Susan Oropallo.